SERVICE - Finance

Financial Advisors

Our consultants develop strategies to assist you manage your Financial Affairs and meet goals. We work with you to set your financial goals and design a detailed plan to achieve your targets. Our advisers and consultants working with you will have the AFS licence and are required to meet some professional standards set up by authorities. An approved bachelor’s degree as a minimum, sitting an exam set by the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority (FASEA) and complying with a Code of Ethics that requires them to act in the best interests of clients and avoid conflicts of interest.

Financial advisers can only legally describe themselves as being ‘independent’ if they do not receive any commissions, volume-based payments or other gifts or benefits from a financial product issuer and operate without any conflicts of interest which are set out in the Corporations Act.

If you’re looking for more information about investment products and strategies, we can connect you with one of our specialist financial advisors.

Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds are type of financial investments made up with a pool of many investors to invest in securities like stocks, bonds, money market instruments, and other assets. Mutual funds are operated by professional providers, licensed agents, who allocate the fund’s assets and attempt to produce capital gains or income for the fund’s investors. A mutual fund’s portfolio is structured and maintained to match the investment objectives stated in its prospectus.

Mutual funds give investors access to professionally manage portfolios of equities, bonds, and other securities by deciding or choosing to invest %, , participates proportionally in the gains or losses of the fund. Mutual funds invest in a vast number of securities, and performance is usually tracked as the change in the total market cap of the fund—derived by the aggregating performance of the underlying investments.

Debt Instrument

Debt instruments are assets that require a fixed payment to the holder, usually with interest like bonds government, corporate bonds and mortgages. The equity market (often referred to as the stock market) is the market for trading equity instruments

A debt instrument is a tool an entity can utilize to raise capital. It is a documented, binding obligation that provides funds to an entity in return for a promise from the entity to repay a lender or investor in accordance with terms of a contract. Debt instrument contracts include detailed provisions on the deal such as collateral involved, the rate of interest, the schedule for interest payments, and the timeframe to maturity if applicable.

Any type of instrument primarily classified as debt can be considered a debt instrument. Debt instruments are tools an individual, government entity, or business entity can utilize for the purpose of obtaining capital. Debt instruments provide capital to an entity that promises to repay the capital over time. Credit cards, credit lines, loans, and bonds can all be types of debt instruments.

Typically, the term debt instrument primarily focuses on debt capital raised by institutional entities. Institutional entities can include governments and both private and public companies.

Wealth Management

Wealth management is an investment advisory service that combines other financial services to address the needs of high networth clients. Our consultants assess, discuss and plan the complex needs of a client and broad range of services including investment advice, estate planning, accounting, retirement and tax services—may be provided.

Our consultant analyses information about the client’s wants and specific situation, and then tailors a personalized strategy that uses a range of financial products and services.

A holistic approach is taken within wealth management and we offer investment management and comprehensive financial advice. Our consultants handle complex financial issues and coordinate financial experts on behalf of clients.

Mortgage Broking

A mortgage broker is an agent or consultant who deals with banks or other lenders to arrange a loan for you. A good broker works with you to and understands your needs and goals and work out what you can afford to borrow and find options to suit your situation

Mortgage brokers also work with small to medium businesses and we employ financial analysts, management accountants, business accountants to meet stake holders and prepare detailed business plans and projections. These business plans and projections will be very detailed and will undertake a full assessment of the business, market conditions, competitors, rating agencies, industry statistics and a range of factors. These will be discussed with business owners, stake holders to reach a final conclusion

It is a one-stop shop for mortgages. Unlike your local bank branch, which can only offer you a mortgage from their suite of products, we have access to many different lenders and can match you with the best lender for your financial situation which are then presented to banks, financial institutions, lenders to achieve a desired outcome.